Announcement of Share Capital Reduction and Capital Return

Pursuant to Article 29, Paragraph 4 of Law 4548/2018

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the company KRONOS TRAVEL – TOURS TOURISM, HOTEL, SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL S.A. during its session on 30/10/2024, unanimously and by acclamation, decided, among other things, to reduce the company’s share capital by the amount of €250,000. This reduction will occur through a decrease in the nominal value of each share to five euros (€5), with the purpose of offsetting losses from previous years and returning capital to shareholders.

As a result, the company’s share capital will amount to €50,000, divided into 10,000 shares with a nominal value of five euros (€5) per share.

N. Heraklion, 20/11/2024

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